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Spotfire Ideas Portal

System Administration

Showing 8

Please provide action log analysis for PostgreSQL

Please provide action log analysis for PostgreSQL in the Spotfire Server installer file (,i.e. PostgreSQL version of "\\scripts\mssql_install\actionlog\logged_user_actions_mssql.part0....
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Likely to implement

Hide options from Users if not licensed

We are not licensed to use External Actions. We have disabled licenses below: -Use External Actions -Configure External Actions -Trust External Actions But users can still view the Actions option in Properties. Users can select Actions and ...
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Actions / System Administration 0 Likely to implement

Inside Spotfire UI, Only Active users should be listed

In Spotfire database, we can see active/inactive users list and the same can be seen in the Spotfire UI. We want to see only active users in Spotfire UI i.e. inside users and groups section. Regards Manoj Singh
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 2 Likely to implement

Allow authentication tokens to be passed to external URLs when rendering images from cells

Currently if images in table cells are sourced from a URL which requires authentication (e.g. S3 bucket), then it's not possible to pass existing credentials to the URL. For example if using OpenID to connect, the expectation is that the access to...
almost 3 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 5 Likely to implement

add config command to install service and instance

In order to install Spotfire Server/NM environment with 1 batch file, customer hope to be able to trust node, install service and instance using config command. (1) install service (and remove it) (2) install instance (and remove it) (3) upgrade s...
almost 3 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Likely to implement

add Web Service API to retrive server/node/service/instance status

Hi, Please add Web Service API to retrive server/node/service/instance status, i.e. information can be found in Monitoring & Diagnositcs page. Online/Offline RUNNING/STARTING/STOPPING, AVAILABLE/STRAINED/EXHAUSTED. Customer would like to use t...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 1 Likely to implement

Administration functions in REST API

Background: As soon as we use Configuration Management tools to manage our multiple Spotfire environments constellation, we need to be able to perform whole Spotfire configuration via automation scripting. Issue: During our development we spend a ...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Likely to implement

Spotfire Server - Avoid false positive when new server configuration is uploaded to the database

When a new Spotfire Server configuration is uploaded to the database, a WARNING message shows up under Nodes & Services -> Notifications, informing that the Server 'XXXX' must be restarted to use the latest configuration (see attached scree...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Likely to implement