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Enhance Bookmark Administration to see what is actually set in a bookmark

I have noticed that filters/ranges set in Bookmarks disappear if the underlying data set does not have any value in that set range. Thus when you apply the bookmark and use "status:mod" to see what makes up the bookmarks, you are falsely lead into...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 3 Future Consideration

Create an option to default the sort order of bookmarks by bookmark name instead of last modified date

We would like to simply change the default sort order in the bookmark panel to be by bookmark name and not by bookmark last modified date. This would be huge for us as we spend a large amount of time manually re-saving bookmarks so they visually s...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 2 Future Consideration

Set certain document properties by bookmark

I would like to be able to set only certain document properties,NOT all of them, through bookmarks. It would be good to be able to specify the document properties to be adjusted at the time of saving the bookmark, but also at the time of applying ...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 10 Future Consideration

Reassign Bookmark ownership

We have a DXP file where the report creator has left the position, and a new developer has taken over. However, the new developer cannot change the ownership of the bookmark within the report, and the only way they can make modifications by creati...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 3 Future Consideration

Bookmark Enhancement Requests

We would like to submit two enhancement requests: 1. We would like to get back the folder structure for bookmarks that existed in 3.2. A png of the documentation about it is attached. 2. We would like to have a permission setting so that, for publ...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 4 Future Consideration

Bookmark Light/Filter Only Option

Currently a multitude of changes to a visualization can affect (break) a bookmark, these include changes to: Coloring Formatting Anything that is visible Page added or deleted Visualizations Filters Layout of filter panel (sort order, filter gr...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 12 Future Consideration

Private Bookmarks made editable to all admin & library admin users.

No description provided
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 0 Future Consideration

More control over how bookmarks are displayed and shared

Bookmarks - useful as they can drive user to a pre-defined view (even selects the right columns for a table). The use case is really about being able to predefine set views that are rule driven so that users can apply them easily instead of walkin...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 1 Future Consideration

Show last selected Bookmark in Bookmark panel and be able to update it directly from the panel

Often, I have to updated bookmarks. So I select one, work on it and updated it. However, when there are many bookmarks I sometimes loose track which one I wanted to update. As much work is flowing into setting up bookmarks, updating the wrong one ...
almost 6 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 0 Future Consideration

Ability to backup private bookmarks by users

Tibco Spotfire is one of our primary reporting tools using which we present multiple reports for business analytics. Recently we encountered an issue where, after we performed migration of a report from the Development environment to Production en...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 0 Future Consideration