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Spotfire Ideas Portal


Showing 23

Non-adjacent multiple selection on a mobile touch device

Context: working from a mobile device. This option would help to perform multiple selection, as there's no CTRL button to press..The workaround of the usage of lasso selection works with some visualizations (for example barchart) but not with othe...
almost 5 years ago in Spotfire / Mobile 0 Future Consideration

Enable Spotfire Mobile Application to interface with External Authentication

If TIBCO Spotfire Server has been configured to work with Kerberos for single sign-on, Spotfire will ONLY allow Kerberos tokens as it's authentication method (there is not a negotiate option). This is acceptable for internal client network traffic...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Mobile 2 Future Consideration

Android app should support Kerberos SSO

Unlike the ios app, the Android app does not support SSO (as configured via the sso url in the Spotfire settings). As a result only our ios users can utilize the app
over 5 years ago in Spotfire / Mobile 4 Future Consideration

Push notification on mobile app

I would like to have the possibility of set push notification on the android/mac app regarding updated data or reports.
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Mobile 0 Future Consideration

Configure pages layout based on Visualization area size

When I create a Spotfire analysis, I usually want consume it from my computer, my tablet and my phone but it is hard to create 1 single analysis file that will look great on each of my devices. So I used to create one analysis for each of my devic...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Mobile / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Offline capabilities for Spotfire Analytics Application

Right now we do not have Offline capabilities for reports being accessed on Spotfire Analytics application on iOS. Capability of saving report on Ipad App with data embedded will be a good to have feature.
about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Mobile 0 Future Consideration

Enable the handling of touch gestures on Windows devices that uses both touch and mouse

Need the ability to handle touch gestures in Spotfire on window tablets, also in combination with using the mouse.
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire / Mobile 4 Future Consideration

Improve Responsive Design

Spotfire needs improvements in responsive design to adopt usage on mobile phones and tablets and maybe embedded devices. The idea is mainly something like: user creates a report with all visualisations, then enables multiple layouts for web, table...
almost 4 years ago in Spotfire / Mobile 0 Future Consideration

Spotfire App for IOS or Andriod Devices should support Authoring of DXPs

It will be useful if we have a version of Spotfire Client app for IOS or Android Devices as well which can help to create reports on the fly directly in the devices.
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Mobile 2 Future Consideration

Mobile: add an additional password r fingerprint for accessing the mobile app

All the data on the app is only protected by the 4 digits pin code of the IOS device. This is not compliant to the strict security rules of AkzoNobel. Will it be possible to develop an additional password (with about 8 positions and different sign...
almost 8 years ago in Spotfire / Mobile 0 Future Consideration