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Spotfire Ideas Portal


Showing 156

Provide a point-and-click tool for converting imported spatial structures directly from WKT (well known text) to WKB (well known binary).

Provide a point-and-click tool for converting imported spatial structures directly from WKT (well known text) to WKB (well known binary). One important goal for this tool is to enable import of a structure in WKT from an Enverus database, co...
3 months ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 To be Reviewed

Add Color Scheme Groupings for Map Charts

As an oil & gas user, it would be incredibly helpful to be able to see different colors and scales for the "color by" item on a map chart. I could have a property control passing through one or many columns of data into the color by axis and a...
7 months ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Future Consideration

Add USA Township and Range Feature Layers

Currently, Spotfire has built-in state and county feature layers. Request adding township and range feature layers.
8 months ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Future Consideration

Reset button on Image Layer settings from Map chart should use image dimensions

The image layer should be set to the image dimensions when using the reset button specially if the coordinate reference system is set to none. The reset button works as expected when the marker layer is unchecked, or the position marker settings (...
10 months ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Future Consideration

Map Label Format

Giving users to format further maps like in other visualization would allow more flexibility. If i would like to show % on a map, one needs to calculate a new column in order to duplicate the targeted column format it in %. This makes it quite hea...
10 months ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Future Consideration

Export Map Components only (Polygons,Markers,Vectors,Labels etc...)

Today when we export a map, we also export the default white background that goes with it. As a result, maps can only be nicely incorporated easily in some presentations when white isn't an issue. Having the possibility to export only the map comp...
10 months ago in Spotfire / Export / Maps 0 Future Consideration

Completely hide polygon border when thickness is set to zero

Scenario Geometry (polygons) data plotted in Map Chart with polygon border weight set to zero. Expected: homogeneous display of polygon. Reality: discrete polygons still visible. Please refer to attached .png. Solution Per Tibco Support Case #0224...
12 months ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Future Consideration

Increase Zooming details

Currently, the zooming ability in maps of Spotfire is not sufficient : we have 1 point per square meter. We would like to be able to zoom further to separate those points.
12 months ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Future Consideration

Custom orientation of labels

In the oil and gas space, horizontal wells are typically oriented north-south, lateral lengths are typically 2 miles long, and interwell spacing is typically 1/4 mile. Wells are mostly drilled from a common surface pad location (making placing lab...
about 1 year ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Future Consideration

show point as other shapes in addition to circle in map chart's feature layer

Customer would like to show point as other shapes(e.g. star, rectangle, triangle,etc) in addition to circle in map chart's feature layer, which is from a shape file that contains point data.
about 1 year ago in Spotfire / Maps 3 Already exists