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Overlaying a normal distribution on a histogram

I am having issues replicating this kind of graph from Minitab in Spotfire. I want to show two unique histograms and then overlay the normal distribution curve. Any ideas? Attaching the minitab graph here. The lines and curves section in histogram...
1 day ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

I can't control axis selection on web version

I'd like to setting axis selection like client setting.
3 days ago in Spotfire / Actions 0 To be Reviewed

export dxp file what is stored data option.

Please add an option to download in the form of stored data as a default when export file dxp is performed in the Spotfire web player situation.
3 days ago in Spotfire / Export 0 To be Reviewed

add preference to config <authentication hostsToAuthenticate="*;*" /> on all Analyst clients

Please add preference to config <authentication hostsToAuthenticate="*;*" /> on all Analyst clients. One of our customers needs this to load images from http url with authentication enabled and show the images as labe...
5 days ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 To be Reviewed

Spotfire's action log should track importing a DXP into the Spotfire Library.

when importing a DXP into the Spotfire Library, and it updates the content of a pre-existing one, there are no events in Spotfire's action log that indicate such a change has occurred. Spotfire ® 14.0.4 LTS Steps - Import a DXP file in Spotfire Li...
5 days ago in Spotfire / Actions 0 To be Reviewed

Problem printing PDF in double-digit specific pages

Good morning, I have noticed that it is not possible to print double-digit pages within specific pages for PDF export. How can this be resolved? I have this error:Error message: There is nothing to export InvalidOperationException at Spotfire.D...
6 days ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Already exists

want to rotate the label for individual points in the line chart itself vertically rather than horizontally.

You want to rotate the label for individual points in the line chart itself vertically rather than horizontally. It's a very necessary function Our department does not have this function, so there is a lot of inconvenience Please develop it LGdisplay
6 days ago in Spotfire / Visualization 4 Future Consideration

Sync data function script with external repo

It would be very useful to be able to synchronize the data function code to an external repository like GIT, so that developers can continue to work with traditional tools and then from Spotfire simply perform the pull of the code keeping the vers...
11 days ago in Spotfire / Library 0 To be Reviewed

I want to retain color settings when I change the category of an axis in a graph with properties.

I will answer based on the understanding that the color change is not reflected when categories A and B exist in the properties and the following actions are taken.     Step 1) Select category A for the axis of the graph, and change the color usin...
12 days ago in Spotfire / Analytics 1 Needs Info

Wish to add a function to calculate weighted averages

I would like to see a function added to calculate weighted averages.
12 days ago in Spotfire / Data Functions 1 Needs Info