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Spotfire Ideas Portal

Spotfire Streaming

Showing 4

AMS native support for JS files

Add native support to JS files. Right now they can be uploaded as "Other" type but it would be nice to have them as a native artifact type with nice formatting within the editor.
over 5 years ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 Will not implement

Decision Table operator should try to reconnect to AMS if not available at startup

Right now, if AMS is not available at startup, decision table operator will start with an empty ruleset. Connection to AMS is not retried ever again. Reloading of the rules is now achieved through a tricky input stream that only exists during runt...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire Streaming 2 Will not implement

PassThrough enabled on ALL adaptors and operators

In a lot of case there is a need to have to ability to pass through some fields. Not all the adaptors and operators have this capability.
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 Will not implement

Allow hit count after conditional breakpoint

We currently support both conditional breakpoints and hit count BPs (i.e., if N-1 events hit a BP then break on Nth event). It would be nice to hit on a BP for a count after the initial conditional is met. Might often be just N=1, so break on the ...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 Will not implement