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System Administration

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add API to collect web player user session information

Customer wants to collect web player user session information(as shown in attached screeshot) via API, to automate web player instance shutdown&restart only if no user is opening any dxp on it.
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 1 Future Consideration

improve whitelisting capabilities

We have trouble getting whitelisting work for us. We need photos to be included in reports on the one hand, some internet sites to be made accessible on the other. There are different security requirements for these, but the security requirements ...
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Future Consideration

Bulk-changes of dxp files

When you need to make a change in a dxp/analysis file - e.g. change a connection string to point to a new location, or fix a bug in a script - that's usually easy, but often, you want to make the same change in any affected dxp file (there might b...
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Future Consideration

set public address for each spotfire server node separately

Please allow to set public address for each spotfire server node separately. For example there are 2 servers in 1 spotfire environment working as a cluster, but there is no load balancer in front of these server, so we need to set public address...
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 2 Future Consideration

copy/move multiple users from one group to another

Please add functionality to copy/move multiple users from one group to another, instead of doing the copy/move one by one.
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 1 Future Consideration

monitoring Python Service node performance

Please add functionality to monitoring Python Service node performance. e.g. (1) write cpu/memory/etc usage to log files under nm/logs folder. (2) write cpu/memory/etc usage to user action log.
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Future Consideration

improve spotfireconfigtool

There is a known issue with spotfireconfigtool. Please i...
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Future Consideration

bundle jdk17 inside spotfireconfigtool.jar

With more and more customer starting to deploy TSS in Linux or containers, spotfireconfigtool.jar will become popular because it provides a GUI. To use this tool it is required to install JDK 17 on the local computer first, please bundle jdk17 ins...
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 2 Future Consideration

improve export-service-config when service is deployed on both Linux and Windows

If service is deployed on both Linux and Windows, command "config export-service-config --capability=TERR --deployment-area=Production" will export the configuration of random OS, either Linux or Windows whichever is deployed first(probably). Argu...
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 5 Future Consideration

write timestamp info to each line of data function debug log

When enabling data function debugging, we can find below information from analyst's debug log. This is very helpful to diagnose performance issue however timestamp for each line is not outputted which makes it impossible to figure out how lone eac...
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Future Consideration