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Data Management

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Ability to add in conditions when joining data in Spotfire Cloud such as >, <, <=, >=

When inserting columns in Spotfire Cloud (desktop version) the data tables can only be joined on exact matches (=). It would be useful to be able to add in conditions such as > or <= to narrow down the number of matches to the desired row in...
almost 6 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 3 Future Consideration

Add Sort Column Transformation

Some times, more complex expression containing the Previous function requires that the data table are in certain order, something not possible with actual version of Spotfire. So I suggest a new type of transformation
almost 5 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 3 Future Consideration

Change default insert columns behavior

The way that the Spotfire insert columns mechanism is built is it builds a list of columns to ignore, rather than a list of columns to insert. For example, let's say you have Table A with column A, B, and C. You insert column A into Table B. Then,...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 1 Future Consideration

add option to enable datatable color stripe as default

In Document properties, there's an option of "Show a color stripe for related tables". This color stripe is useful when loading multiple datatables, but it's disabled as default. Please add option to enable datatable color stripe as default.
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Custom expression when performing unpivot/pivot data transformation

It would be useful to have the possibility to use custom expressions in pivot transformations. This would allow users to already create tailormade columns during the transformation phase, rather than once the data is loaded completely.
almost 5 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 0 Future Consideration

Change Default Number of Decimals on Imported Data

Currently when you import real data into Spotfire it always truncates the results at 2 decimal places, would like the ability to change the default import to whatever number would best fit the data. If it has to be a hard number than change it fro...
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 4 Future Consideration

Add "Limit data using expression" functionality to data function input data

When specifying input data for a data function, I am missing the "Limit data using expression" function. The limit by filtering and/or marking is there - but not the expression? This would really help limit the number of records sent to R for proc...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Data Functions / Data Management 3 Future Consideration

show/enable shortcut keys for menu items (Spotfire X)

show/enable shortcut keys for menu items
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 4 Future Consideration

Purge cached data when saving analysis

PROBLEM: When saving an analysis as a DXP or into the library, with the analysis Spotfire saves a snapshot of cached data from the data tables at the point in time that the developer initially loaded/refreshed them. Generally this could be desirab...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 3 Future Consideration

Option to explicitly select the columns to include when inserting columns (rather than only exclude columns)

When inserting columns into a data table within Spotfire, the user selects the column(s) to include in the last window. However, what is actually happening behind the scenes is an Exclude Columns transformation where the columns the user hasn't se...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 1 Future Consideration