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Ability to copy marked rows/cells in the Web Player, without having to use the export functionality.

Ability to copy cell values, or row values, without having to use the export menus. (Right-click, Copy) Customer notes: {quote}Advantages of having a copy cell value in contextual menu:1. Being able to copy a cell value displayed in a table would ...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

PowerPoint Export - Labels in PPT differ from those seen in DXP

PowerPoint Export - Labels in exported PPT differ from those seen in DXP Labels change during export to PowerPointHow to reproduce:1. Create Scatter Plot2. Select Properties > Labels > Show Labels for: All, Max Number of Labels: 203. File &g...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Export 2 Future Consideration

Export complete visualization to PowerPoint or PDF even if it isn't completely visible on screen

When their users export any active visualization to pdf, if the visualization had a scroll bar, the data that appears upon scrolling is not exported.
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Export 2 Future Consideration

After PDF export the borders of the cross table visualization need to be DARKER

The borders that appear in a padf after being exported from a cross table visualization are barely visible to the naked eye & need them to be darker.
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Export 1 Future Consideration

Ability to disable/enable "Print Filter Settings" by default.

'Users would like to find a way to disable "Print Filter Settings" by default. We're wondering if that is configurable on either the report level or the server level? ' If not, then, please do create an enhancement request for future Spotfire vers...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Uphold default template chosen in PowerPoint, when exporting to PowerPoint from Spotfire.

The customer would like the company template, which is set to default on the users PowerPoint installations, to be used when exporting to PowerPoint from Spotfire. Currently Spotfire is only choosing a blank page, without any template, when export...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Export 5 Future Consideration

Use Custom logo and Custom Date format in Export to PDF

*Goal*:As an spotfire web player administrator we would like a perform\control these desired features listed below: *Details*:Requested features from customer: 1) It does not appear that we can add a logo to the header or footer - is there a way t...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Export 2 Future Consideration