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Page Numbers on Powerpoint Exports

Good Day, Numerous users require page numbers on the slides exported from Spotfire to Powerpoint. Currently, there is no option to have this added in. Please can you review and possibly add in this functionality.
about 1 year ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Export Spotfire table visualization into Editable PowerPoint table

I am writing to you today to request the addition of a new feature to the Spotfire product. I am a user of Spotfire, and I have found it to be a very powerful and versatile tool for data analysis. However, I have one major request for improvement....
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

export filter conditions together with filtered data

Some of our customers asked about this. When exporting filtered data to a file from Spotfire, they also want to export the filter conditions, i.e. all the specified values on all changed filters. For example export these filter conditions to sever...
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Export a report based upon a subset of a range of a number of pages.

Once a report of more than about 50 pages is created, it would be very helpful to enable the administrator/user to export a specific subset of PDF pages to be exported by selecting a range, like in most programs out there. Not fancy; just a functi...
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Export trellis as individual images

Export all/selected trellis visualizations as individual image files.
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

please allow to change/configure the format of file names when doing File -> Export -> Table on browser

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Export 2 Future Consideration

Export raw data and charts to Excel

Other tools provide an option to export to Excel whereby the user can export everything in a given report. i.e. – they can export visualizations along with the raw data. The data is linked to the corresponding charts automatically in Excel meaning...
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Export Visualization

We have lot of text areas and multiple visuals on one page and if we use Active page option which is by default then texts areas, some legends are not being exported correctly and hence users are not happy with this export. As a workaround , I sug...
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / Export 1 Future Consideration

Please add Export to PowerPoint on right click

No description provided
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Permissions for PDF Export

Access to standard PDF export functionality should be controlled by licenses. A separate license for generation of reports from the report editor should be added. This is to enable selective export of certain pages
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration