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Need breadcrumbs to trace the origin of visualizations when creating reports

When exporting to PDF, after you have created a report and added visualizations to it, in the "Selected contents section", there is no way to tell which visualization oirginated in what page. I created a report 6 months ago. Now that needs to chan...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Export to PDF, Prepared report - header/footer option to include usage of custom expressions like Upper, Substitute, etc on the properties available.

We are trying to Export to PDF using Prepared report option. In header/footer we would like to use custom expressions Upper on the filter values available. In future we may want to use a Replace or Substitute the filter values. Hence not sure if w...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Allow export of shapefile (.shp) format of Spotfire-generated polygons

Many of TIBCO's excellent geoanalytics functions result in the creation of polygons. Will TIBCO add functionality to Spofire that allows the export of these polygons as shapefiles so they can be universally used and mapped with standard GIS softwa...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Export 2 Future Consideration

Export to PDF data limitation in spotfire webplayer

Hi Team,sub:Export to PDF(prepared report) limited to 100 rows of data in spotfire webplayer. We are facing issue in generating export report-->export to pdf (prepared report) where there is more than 100 pages . In spotfire analyst it’s workin...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Export 2 Future Consideration

Export to PDF should support the situation where one page (tab) has multiple visualizations and another page (tab) has a table that doesn't fit on one page

Currently this is impossible, whilst I would expect this would be basic functionality. When choosing "All pages" in the Export what setting, it is not possible to enable the "Trellis panels and table rows not visible on screen". As result the tabl...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Export 3 Already exists

Delimiter options for Automation Services Data Export

From within Automation Services, we can currenly only export to CSV using the Comma or Semi-Colon delimiter. Having more delimiter options would be incredibly useful for us - especially the ability to use the Pipe ( | ) delimiter.
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Remove the ability to export a single dashboard

Would like to have the ability to remove the option of exporting a single dashboard in webplayer. This will help limit users from exporting and sharing sensitive dashboards; however, will allow them to export dashboards without sensitive data.
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Export directly from Canvas

Simple button to bring up export dialog; prevent multiple clicks for going to File > Export > Data as file > select from drop down. Particularly useful when there are many tables in an analysis and searching through the dropdown can be di...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Export to Google Slides is not available now

No description provided
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Adjustable image size during export to powerpoint. Settings to custom fix the output image size in powerpoint.

No description provided
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration