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"Type to Search field" be set via API/script for list box property controls

Can the "Type to Serch field" be set via API/script? e.g. Document.Properties["control1"].Search = 'ABC OR GHI' I have a List Box Property control with unique values in a column. Is it possible to get a filter/filterering scheme to update the pro...
almost 8 years ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration

API to obtain another page on same screen

I had a request from a customer regarding the possibility to open a page of a dxp in a new window via API. In essence they would like to click an action item in a viz and obtain another page on same screen, like what you get when right-click on pa...
almost 8 years ago in Spotfire / API 1 Future Consideration

Ability to show/hide the search option in web player via API and/or URL options

Most of the features in the web player toolbar are controllable via the JavaScript API and the URL parameters, but the new search feature in Spotfire 10.0 was not added to the APIs. We have teams that embed Spotfire in their applications who would...
about 6 years ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration

expose API to get current user's identify

Please expose API to get current user's identify (username, display name, domain ,etc )
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / API 1 Future Consideration

Allow setting of the AllowCaching flag for the DataFunctionDefinition class via the API

I've built an extension that creates custom data functions and allows the user to edit them. I'd like to be able to alter the 'AllowCaching' setting, but the only public API method for setting the value is on the DataFunctionDefinitionBuilder clas...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / API 1 Already exists

Make DataFunctionInput.InputType public

I'm building a complex custom data function and need to be able to check whether an input to a data function is an expression or a value. The DataFunctionInput class has an InputType property, but it's not public so I can't directly access it with...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / API 1 Future Consideration

Add the IsEnabled method used by the Tools to the Custom Visualizations

As a Spotfire Developer the customer would like to have an enable/disable option for custom visualization the same way as we have IsEnabled() method in the tools today(CustomTool). End-goal:If this is implemented the developers can perform specifi...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration

Public API for Page Header for the ExportSettings class

ExportSettings currently exposes the page footer where developers can get and set the text in the page footer as well as specify if the page footer is included on export.The same capabilities are required to be exposed for the page header in the A...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration

Add API for Data-On-Demand

There should be a public inspection and automation API for the Data-On-Demand.
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / API 1 Future Consideration

Change width of Column header in a cross table programmatically

Customer wants to have property to be exposed which can be used to change width of Column header Columns in a cross table programmatically. For example, For changing column width for row axis we have a property called "RowHeaderWidths"as mentioned...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration