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Specify dimensions when using CustomWizardPromptControlPage

We would like to specify dimensions when we create CustomWizardPromptControlPage. Currently, there is no option in Tibco API to specify the size of the Prompt Control Page.
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration

Allowing JavaScript API setFilter and setMarking working with case-insensitive values

When developing Spotfire Mesh-up site that using Spotfire JavaScript API, we allow customers to upload and view their dxp in our website. That means their document can contain various data, we want to apply our standard filter or marking values, s...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration

mod's certificate is still considered valid after code signing certificate is revoked until Analyst/Web Player server is restarted

Mod's certificate is still considered valid after code signing certificate is revoked until Analyst/Web Player server is restarted. Step to reproduce (1) use spotfire account to develop and sign a mod, save it to library, create visualization from...
almost 3 years ago in Spotfire / Mods 3 Unlikely to implement

add a visualization property page to show information about mod

Please add a visualization property page to show information about mod used by the visualization, e.g. (1) mod's basic information (id, name, version, author,etc) (2) origin of mod (from dev server, local mod file, library, etc) this is very impor...
almost 3 years ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration

JavaScript API ability to open a file without user saved state

It's possible to open Spotfire files and ignore user's saved state with the '&applyState=false' URL parameter. It would be helpful to have an option to do the same through the JavaScript mashup API. I'm working on automated tests in Spotfire u...
about 6 years ago in Spotfire / API 2 Future Consideration

API to apply Normalization Transformation.

We need to be able to perform the Normalization Transformation using the API method as is provided for the other transformation techniques as shown in the link below
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration

Import data from custom datasources when creating new analysis in Business Author

The report developer would like to load data from various sources using their custom datasource extension when creating new analysis files in Web Player clients/business author.
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration

add option to pass data as null if not exist

Lets say some data(original or aggregated) as below is passed to mod from Spotfire (e.g. in order to draw a simple bar chart): series={ series1:{ x:['A','B','D'}, y:[1,2,4]}, series2:{ x:['A','B','C','D'], y:[1,2,3,4]} }; we would like to have an ...
about 3 years ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration

add API to test if axis is aggregated

Please add API to test if axis is aggregated. When "allowNonAggregatingMeasures" is set as true, we need to know if axis is aggregated or not sometimes.
about 3 years ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration

Correlation Plot

Hello, I think it would be a great idea to create a MOD for correlation plot. This type of visualization shows how attributes correlate to other attributes in a dataset using the correlation coefficients. The correlation could be either positive o...
about 3 years ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration