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Spotfire Ideas Portal


Showing 15

Make it possible to tag users in a comment

Collaboration would be improved if it was possible to tag users in a comment and have them receive a notification via email and in their browser.
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Collaboration 3 Future Consideration

Spelling/Grammar review and correction

As Spotfire expands its communication capabilities that started with Text Areas and has expanded to Conversations and Annotations; it would be nice to have a spelling and grammar review along with correction capability, similar to what is seen in ...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Collaboration 0 Future Consideration

Add a function to easily copy a single cell into another application

When using Spotfire to combine multiple spreadsheets to analyze data it would be beneficial to easily be able to copy (ctrl C) a single or multiple cell values into another application without having to right click and drop down to copy a single c...
almost 8 years ago in Spotfire / Collaboration 0 Future Consideration

Indicator for collaboration

The collaboration tool is a nice addition in Spotfire 7.5. Currently in the webplayer it is only possible to see if there is a conversation going on by starting a new conversation. By doing so also some little symbols are shown in the visualizatio...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Collaboration 0 Future Consideration

Web Player link to tab from right click

When right-clicking on a tab, there is no option to copy the Web Player link to the specific tab. This would be a great function for sharing links to a specific tab (and also without having to use building blocks).
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Collaboration 0 Future Consideration