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Spotfire Ideas Portal


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Support Spotfire on RedHat OpenShift

We are moving to OpenShift Container Platform (OCP), we have an unique opportunity to revisit some of the architecture decisions. All TIBCO infrastructure can only run in the VM environment, which prevented us from scaling the solution and reducin...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 0 Implemented

Using Oracle 19c as the TSS Database

With the release of a new LTS version of Spotfire, many organizations would be planning for upgrading to this version. At the same time they would also want to upgrade the TSS DB to the latest version so that they do not have to conduct another up...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 1 Implemented

Spotfire upgrade tool should check for supported SQL Server version before proceeding

The Spotfire upgrade tool will allow you to upgrade a database that is running on an unsupported SQL server version. It should maintain a list of supported versions and respond with an error if the target server does not meet the requirements.
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 1 Implemented

Make the server push installation locations configurable.

We all know that virusses and malware attempt to use known vulnerable locations on your computer. One of those vulnerable locations is the appdata temp which is used by Spotfire. To make your company a safer place you want to prevent software to ...
about 5 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 0 Implemented