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Showing 32

Editable Public Bookmarks in WebPlayer

Adding the option to allowing end-users to edit public bookmark could help to make the overall experience with bookmark more interactive.
12 months ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 3 Future Consideration

Ability to embedded Bookmarks in report

Spotfire should be able to save bookmarks in DXP report instead of database, to make it faster in case of many bookmarks.
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 4 Future Consideration

Ability to create library bookmark on DXP file (not only in....)

Hello We all have some everyday DXP we need to open everytime. Could we add some bookmark on the DXP we need in the library; to quickly find them please?
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 2 Future Consideration

Bookmark error icon

Can we have the red icon restored as per pre 7.0, that indicated if a bookmark visualisation was removed, or the bookmark has some other problem. These visual aids make using the software much more intuitive.
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 0 Future Consideration

Option to clear all bookmarks in a file

If you have a large number of bookmarks in a file, you should be able to remove all bookmarks before you deploy a file to a new location As an administrator you should be able to clear all existing bookmarks or clear all private bookmarks, to make...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 0 Future Consideration

Bookmarks Manager and Highlight Current Bookmark.

Customers would like to be able to have the option to custom arrange their bookmarks. Also, they would like the current bookmark that is being viewed to be highlighted in the Bookmarks Bar.
10 months ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 0 Future Consideration

export/import bookmark to/from library between DXPs

Customer wants to export/import bookmark to/from library between DXPs, in order to apply filters from one dxp to another.
about 1 year ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 0 Future Consideration

Bookmark saves ONLY page layout, not visualization properties

I would like the bookmark to only save the page layout and not save the formulas, axes, colors, etc within the visualization. This way when a dashboards visualizations properties are updated by the developer, the bookmark can be updated with those...
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 0 Future Consideration

Group Level Bookmarks

We would like the ability to share bookmarks within groups without making them completely public. So in the bookmark drop down we would see an option for group bookmark and then the group that it is shared with.
over 5 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 0 Future Consideration

Ability to disable the 'Copy Bookmark URL' option

customer requested option for disabling the functionality 'Copy Bookmark URL' of bookmark.
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Bookmarks 0 Future Consideration