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Create information link by ironpython

create new information link from source and want to remove few columns while creating link by ironpython. or option to remove few columns by ironpython Also want to sort IL with few columns by ironpython
almost 4 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

Initiate script (or action control click) through user-defined hotkey or keystroke

I create and use dashboards with many action control buttons that trigger various scripts. The only way to use these dashboards involves a tremendous amount of mouse movement and clicking. It's slow, and frustrating, and strenuous on the index fin...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

Clear error messages ironpython scripts

Please improve the error messges for failed iron python scripts. For example when a script triggers another script or changes a document property that triggers another script, it is not clear in which script results in giving in an error.
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

API: Set starting folder for LibraryBrowserDialog

I've confirmed the following with the support team: There is currently no way to set the starting folder when opening the LibraryBrowserDialog via python. I can set the SelectedItem property, but if I set this to a folder in the library, that fold...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

Columns as python script parameters

It would be good if columns could be used as input parameter for pyhton scripts. Tables are possible but I'd like to use columns.
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

Bookmarks: Make Apply special -> Filter settings -> Set only adjusted filters etc. available in API

In the GUI, it is possible for bookmarks with stored filter settings to "Set all Filters", "Set only adjusted Filters" or "Mark filtered rows" via the Apply Special option. According to support, this is not available through the API. It would be g...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

Enhance Scripting Default Options to Show Dialog box when Application is Not Responding

Problem: (version 7.6) When a report has a longer running ironpython, the Spotfire application goes into a windows (Not Responding) state. Windows then displays a dialog box prompting the user to Close the Application or Wait for the Program to re...
almost 8 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

View of Document Property and IronPython Scripting simultaneously

Cannot view/edit document property list and ironpython scripting window at the same time. Requires you to memorize document property names when scripting; difficult in complext scripts & dxp's. Also difficult to instantiate new vars when scrip...
almost 5 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

Pass None as Input parameter to python script

Sometimes it would be good when None could be passed as input parameter to a python script which could be used to trigger a special behaviour of the script. Independent of the parameter type there should always be a "None" choice. In the script, t...
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

Lists as input parameter for python scripts

I would be nice if lists could be passed as input parameters for python scripts. Lists of Strings, lists of Reals etc. but also Lists of pages, visualisations etc. It should also be possible to pass an empty list (which could be tested in python b...
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration