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Data Functions

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Spotfire Data Functions need to support native 'String List' type as inputs or outputs

Spotfire's Data Funcitons are among the top differentiators from its competitor tools and I use them often to create very valuable and sophisticated user work-flows that takes a complex process and makes it seem trivial. In creating a specific wor...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire / Analytics / Data Functions 0 Future Consideration

f(x) flyout package installation directly

When a required package is determined to be missing, allow install directly from input param flyout
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Functions / User Experience 0 Future Consideration

Drop Down input control for f(x) flyout

Drop down for pre-determined values in input values. If document property related, must be able to store options in SFD file.
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Functions / User Experience 0 Future Consideration

Tagging/grouping of data functions in f(x) browse

Be able to group and/or tag data functions into collapsible groups. Would be nice to be able to control the icons and have language indicated automatically. This would make it easier to access and find data functions.
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Functions / User Experience 0 Future Consideration

sync updated data function in library to analysis

If data function is added via Transformation, currently one has to perform below steps to sync it from library to analysis if the script in library is updated 1. Navigate to Data Canvas. 2. Select the relevant transformation by clicking on Data a...
12 months ago in Spotfire / Data Functions 0 Future Consideration

Enable Setting `NA_character_` in Data Function Parameter

Goal Programmatically set the value of input parameter (String type) in Data Function as NA_character_. Concept Use SetInput() method in DataFunctionInputCollection to set execMode parameter (refer to .png) before executing Data Function. Current ...
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Functions 0 Future Consideration

execute multiple Python/TERR data functions in parallel even all of them are from the same Analyst/WP/AS session

We have confirmed with TIBCO support that, currently as designed/implemented how the data function services work, all data function service(Python/TERR) invocations per analysis session are serialized. Also, there is no configuration to force seri...
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Functions 1 Future Consideration

Default value for optional parameters in data functions

When an optional parameter is used, I have to test in the data function whether the parameter is set using is.null() and assign it a default value. e.g. if(is.null(optPar)) {optPar = "something} because otherwise the code usually fails because you...
almost 6 years ago in Spotfire / Data Functions / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

Webplayer need a function to get current date based on user's location regardless of webplayer server's timezone

As of now webplayer user gets data time functions return current date and time based on the server time where the webplayer is hosted. This causes issue if the users and webplayer server are in different time zone. For example today() function cal...
almost 3 years ago in Spotfire / Data Functions 0 Future Consideration

Drag a Data Function from one DXP to another

WHAT: Enable the user to drag a Data Function from one DXP to another. Prompt to match inputs (doc properties, tables, columns, etc.) if don't match WHY: Make it easier to share and reuse data functions. Additional comments: 1. If implement idea o...
almost 9 years ago in Spotfire / Analytics / Data Functions 1 Future Consideration