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Spotfire Ideas Portal


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Debug visualization mods within Visual Studio Code

Add the ability to debug a visualization mod within Visual Studio Code as a complement to using Chrome Developer Tools.
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration

Visual Mods - ability to set default aggregation of column to 'None'

When selecting a column in a Visual Mod we need the ability to set the default aggregation method to 'None'. Would be great if this could be customized per Visual Mod or even per column.
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration

Ability to customize context menu for a mod

I'm currently using popouts in multiple mods to let users change the settings of those mods (e.g. the shapes of nodes in a network graph mod, or enabling / disabling UI controls in a 'filter panel' mod). To display those popouts I'm currently usin...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration

Spotfire Mods API

Please find some of the suggestions for Spotfire Mods Improvement: Integration with Multiple Data Tables: Currently, Spotfire Mods is limited to single table visualizations. Enabling integration with multiple data tables would greatly expand its a...
about 1 year ago in Spotfire / Mods / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

add API to get UI language of Analyst for Action Mods

Please add API to get UI language of Analyst / WP, so that we can use console.log() to report progress in appropirate language in accord with the UI.
7 months ago in Spotfire / Mods 4 Future Consideration

allow to use icon for each script in a action mod

Please allow to use different icon for each script in a action mod, in order to distingish them in case several scripts from one action mod are added to visualizations as floating buttons or title bar buttons. Currently icon is on mod level and al...
7 months ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Planning to implement

Font support for Mods

There should be a Mods API to enable the developer to support the Fonts configuration for Visualization Mods so that it feels just as like native visualizations for the end user.
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration

Multiple language support in visualization mods

It should be possible to have support for multiple languages in a visualization mod. The mod developer should be able to add text resources for multiple languages for UI texts used in the manifest or JavaScript code. It would be nice if existing p...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Mods 1 Future Consideration

add capability to allow file I/O access

Please add capability to allow file I/O under management. We have seen lots of use cases that utilize IronPythonscripts (possibly migrate to action mods in the future) to export data to csv, load data from csv, export pdf to file, etc.
7 months ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration

add Linq support to Action Mod API

Please add Linq support to Action Mod API to increase productibility when manipulating IEnumerable objects.
7 months ago in Spotfire / Mods 2 Unlikely to implement