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Add support for changing backgrund and axes color

I want the possibility to set background color, alternatively have a transparent background. To match the background color I would also like to be able to set axes colors. The reason for this enhancement request is to be able to export to powerpoi...
almost 9 years ago in Spotfire 1 Implemented

Ability to share columns from multiple data tables to be used in a visualization

I would like the ability to use columns from multiple data tables in one visualization. For instance, in a scatterplot, I would like to use columns from data table a and date table b in the axes.
almost 9 years ago in Spotfire 0 Implemented

Ability to create ANSI-style outer joins with multiple join criteria

Say you need to use this outer join in an information link (SQL Server): FROM TABLE1 T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN TABLE2 T2 ON (T1.COl1 = T2.COL1 AND T1.COl2 = T2.COL2) ...then the only options seem to be to either manually edit the SQL or to create a join ...
almost 9 years ago in Spotfire 0 Implemented

Improve library search functionality

users should be able to search in the library using far more parameters than what is currently available. For example, most companies typically have a small number of highly competent developers, and then the rest are mostly novice users. One of t...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire / Library 3 Implemented

Support Connection to SQL Analytics endpoint data source in Spotfire.

No description provided
almost 4 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 1 Implemented

Adjust the size of the page

In the Spotfire web console > Scheduling&Routing > Overview > Rules, I need the setting to adjust the page size of the rules. Currently, you can see up to 25 rules per page. This is very inconvenient when you have to manage a lot ...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Scheduled Updates 1 Implemented

SharePoint Online List connector single-tenant support

It seems that it is a general pre-requisite to set the app registration to be multitenant while using the SharePoint Online Lists connector but our security team is not allowing app registration to be multitenant. Please enable the use of single-t...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Implemented

Presentation Mode (remove all menus and buttons)

Please allow a Presentation Mode that removes the clutter of icons and menus when displaying a dashboard. Would be good to also Auto-Hide the page tabs in this view.
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Implemented

Add Python scripting modules as a standard Add-in in the Automation services capabilities

Python scripts can execute on an analysis, but will not execute on that analysis when called via automation services. While it is possible to manually add the components to the Automation service, they should be enabled by default. Manual work aro...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Automation Services 1 Implemented

Look and Feel of Library in Spotfire client v10

I have 2 feedback for Spotfire 10(aka X): 1.if you browse library only about first 30 character of report names are visible. Broadening the area showing library would help (and there is enough space for it). Is there a possibility for this in Spot...
about 6 years ago in Spotfire / Library 1 Implemented