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Chart pop when clicking elements in other chart

Feasibility of chart pop when a particular value is clicked or marked in a visualization. Sometimes users do not want to navigate to different pages to see the information, eg if i have a bar chart showing sales of different regions and when i cli...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Scatterplot should allow for using values from different tables than the one specified in "Data" (based on Manage Relations)

This feature is included already in Graphical table (if there are relations between tables established). I thought it would be nice to have also in Scatterplot.
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Already exists

Laney P Prime Chart

The Laney P Prime Chart offers a number of benefits over a standard P chart – corrects for varying sample size, over dispersion and other potential failures. This chart is very important in the pharmaceutical industry. While P (and other statistic...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Planning to implement

In text area have the option to limit filters by markings

We work with large groups of data and it would be a nice feature if you could have the option to allow the limiting of filters based on markings made in visualizations. This would be helpful if you want the user to be able to have access for say a...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Text Area 0 Future Consideration

Allow shared data tables across multiple analysis.

Multiple analysis can be built by users that work with common data sets, or subsets of common data. This causes multiple extracts of similar data from same source. More BI tools are now leveraging in memory. This request is to enable a data set t...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 2 Future Consideration

add Web Service API to retrive server/node/service/instance status

Hi, Please add Web Service API to retrive server/node/service/instance status, i.e. information can be found in Monitoring & Diagnositcs page. Online/Offline RUNNING/STARTING/STOPPING, AVAILABLE/STRAINED/EXHAUSTED. Customer would like to use t...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 1 Likely to implement

API to detect that a visualization is closing

We created some custom visualizations that add calculated columns to the source data table. When we close the visualization, we would like to drop the added columns. We are looking for an API that is invoked when the visual is closing/closed. So t...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration

detect if a model is going to generate x number of lines in Java and then split into smaller predict functions

There is a limitation with Java that a method cannot have more than 64K btyes information ( Many Random Forest and Boosted Tree models exceed this limit when dep...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 1 Future Consideration

Scatter plot marker size to vary for each column on Y-axis

The marker size in scatter plot can be varied by values in a particular column currently. But, when we want to show a different size for each column on y-axis it is not possible. We could change the marker shape but not the size.
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Data Type of Column that starts as Int but later contains strings doesn't read the strings

Hi, In the situation where a column in an excel file contains strings and integers but starts with integers, the data type of the column read into Spotfire is integer. It can't be changed from within Spotfire to read string and read in the string ...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Future Consideration