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Spotfire Statistica

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Add an option to export scheduled jobs in an excel from WebStatistica or enterprise or database.

Based on the response I received on the case 01597961, it sounds like there is no way to export WebStatistica scheduled job details from any module within Statistica. We have more than 1000 jobs scheduled in Statistica to run at different interval...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 1 Future Consideration

define a default domain name for the document approval in SDMS/Enterprise Manager

For windows standard users, it is very strange to enter the username with prefixed domain
over 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 1 To be Reviewed

Create SDMS Approval Workflows

It would be very helpful if we could have workflows to approve objects in Statistica Enterprise that would support multiple users reviewing/approving an object. A couple of enhancements to SDMS that might allow this: Create a separate Statistica E...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 2 To be Reviewed

Change LiveScore to RESTful API

I've had a number of customers recently who have requested that LiveScore made into a RESTful service. SOAP is seen as antiquated and not at all friendly - especially since we're looking at integrating Statistica with other TIBCO products like Spo...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Future Consideration

Web Data Entry: Have an Upload option in Data Entry for Data entry users to be able to upload data from a Statistica Spreadsheet to a Data Entry setup

We have developed custom scripts in the past for this functionality, and this use case seems to come up quite a bit in support as well. If we can have an upload samples from spreadsheet option in Data Entry portal, it may be useful for users who w...
almost 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Likely to implement

Enhance Workspace Annotations

In Statistica workspaces, typically, we are using some set of nodes to achieve concrete goal. Annotations and arranging nodes are good way to make workspace more clear and readable. What about placing annotations to the canvas behind the nodes wit...
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 2 Future Consideration

adding an option to create a complete contribution matrix to MSPC deployment

It would be great if MSPC deployment node offers a table output for the complete contribution of the variables. Currently this is possible only via selecting the time point and the latent variable. It is possible via SVB with for loops, but they a...
almost 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 To be Reviewed

Option to Change text dislplay format (especially font size) in "Transformation of Variables"-node

Working with "Transformation of Variables"-node is difficult as the formulas are only displayed with a very small font size
over 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 To be Reviewed

Support different versions of Python, R in the same environment

An organization may have projects using different versions of Python, R. Supporting different versions of Python and R in the same environment helps with upgrade planning. Version 1 is "production use" and Version 2 is "testing upgrade". This alle...
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 2 Future Consideration

Enable Statistica to use SecureLDAP synchronization

Statistica Enterprise is able to use LDAP synchronization. Customers want to use SecureLDAP soon, so this must be possible.
almost 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 To be Reviewed