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238 VOTE

Color Code for GrandTotal and SubTotal in cross Table

Apply color rules that determines the background color of grand total and sub total cells in a cross table.
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 7 Future Consideration
209 VOTE

Insert Chart Object in to a Text Area

We would like to be able to insert a chart object ie. a line chart - into a text area. This would allow us to really easily: 1) float in/out visualisations in a html text area based upon user selections 2) swap in/out messages and images based upo...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Text Area 7 Future Consideration
202 VOTE

Export to PPT from automation services.

Add export from PPT in automation services. Just like PDF option.
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Automation Services 2 Future Consideration
197 VOTE

Enhanced Combination Chart

Allow for more robust combination charts. Multiple bar series, line series, stacked lines / area, markers, or any combination. Full color properties for stacked bars, individual line colors or marker colors based on categories or values in columns.
about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 11 Future Consideration
196 VOTE

Receive an alert when a defined rule is met

Users of a Spotfire need to be able to configure rules that trigger alerts when a rule is matched. The alert should be delivered to the user through for example email and provides a way for the user to quickly navigate to the analysis and investig...
about 5 years ago in Spotfire 2 Future Consideration
195 VOTE

API for Text Area Action and Property Controls

Developers would like to be able to create text areas, properties and input controls in the text area that manipulate those properties. One example would be to have a tool that would perform an S+ calculation. A user of Spotfire could launch a too...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / API 11 Future Consideration
176 VOTE

Table and column auto-width, min-width and in-column search

Currently tables in Spotfire look very ugly, not user friendly, have static widths and always laden with scrollbars and no built-in search functionality. Our users didn't want to use them. If you look at jQuery dataTables as an example of what a m...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 4 Future Consideration
171 VOTE

Lock DXP for Editing

Need dxp files to be locked when editing, so others can not overwrite changes that someone else has made. In other applications, when a user opens a file, it will lock the file so nothing else can save over it until the lock is released. We need t...
about 6 years ago in Spotfire / Library 5 Likely to implement
165 VOTE

Ability to work simultaneously on a dxp and merge afterwards

We have cases where several developers work on different tabs of the same dxp file. This creates a challenge in combining the work afterwards. Especially if new document properties, IP scripts, calculated columns have been introduced, you more or ...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Library 6 Future Consideration
151 VOTE

Allow custom markers

Is should be possible to upload and use custom markers. For instance in map layer, it would be nice to have specific icons displayed e.g. Service Van, House, Wind turbine etc.
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Maps / Visualization 7 Planning to implement