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Spotfire Streaming

Showing 38

Allow batch inserts into a table in datastreams cache

in most recent projects the adapter type has been kafka and the message contain an array of data points (e.g stock quotes, sensor values, data points). These noramly arrive as an array of data points. To add tehse to the data streams cacahe it is ...
over 1 year ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 Needs Info

Improve JDBC Query operators and Data constructs

Query JDBC operator should behave/look as close as it could to "In memory tables". One case is the one stated in "SB-44976 JDBC Query Op Output Settings cannot use aggregate expressions" . Another would be that for an In Memory table we can define...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to control the capture strategy on all adaptors and operators

Currently, most of the adaptors and operators have a capture strategy set to "FLATTERN". It would be good to be able to configure the capture strategy to all "FLATTERN" or "NEST", or make a sbd conf properties to set this value globally.
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire Streaming 1 Future Consideration

Enable column sorting in schema and output stream

I am using streambase v7.6.6 In a named schema or table schema, I can't sort the fields by name, which could be handy when I compare a schema with a stream in streambase. I need to do this quite often, e.g. when I need to write into a data table, ...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire Streaming 1 Already exists

Point and Drag Mapping

When creating the Output of an operator in the properties view, offer a mapping tool to drag functions, input fields, etc to fill in code or expressions. For example: in a map's Output Settings view, I can select the Streams > Input > input1...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire Streaming 2 Future Consideration

DataStreams: Allow Data Table options to be configurable at deploy time

WE need a way of configuring DataStreams/Liveview Table options such as Snapshot ParallelismSnapshot CurrencyPublish Interval through system properties so they can be changed at deploy time. Our deployments have different resource and usage profil...
8 months ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 To be Reviewed

Liveview: Deleting rows via the Query method should have the option not to publish the delete through the publish path

Normally using an Alert Rule: Delete Rows Action you trim a data table size normally of old rows that are outside the zone of interest (i.e not part of any active queries/caches). However the Delete Query method triggered by the alert rule is stil...
9 months ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 To be Reviewed

Streaming should support Mac arm64 processors for development on Mac

Streaming currently only supports macosx_x86_64 for development t on Mac. New generations of Mac dont have intel chips. Support is required natively for arm64 chips (macosx_arm64) There are workarounds but native support should be provided
9 months ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 Planning to implement

Add native support for mongo DB adapter

Add native support for mongo DB adapter. Mongo is used extensively in many industries. Supporting this natively would help a lot of use cases. Needs to support all CRUD operations and well as CDC etc
9 months ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 Future Consideration

Enabling Streaming and AMS to Scale model scoring on GPU’s

Customer are looking to leverage GPU based systems to run and score models for better scalability and faster performance.Please include support for GPU's using parallel processing compute platforms such as Nvidia CUDA.
12 months ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 Future Consideration