Spotfire developer/administrator would like to use automation services to open an analysis and export the visualization results table (export the data) to CSV or TXT like you can do manually.
I have attached a screen shot for clear understanding. Spotfire developer/administrator would like to use automation services to open an analysis and export the visualization results table to CSV or TXT like you can do manually.
Implemented in | 7.7 |
The new task Export Data to File has been added in Automation Services 7.7.0. It allows you to export a data table or a tabular visualization from an analysis file and save it to a specified location on disk. Depending on what is exported, the file can be saved as tab separated text files, SBDF or STDF files, or as Microsoft Excel files.
MIA Solutions has tools that allows the users export tableplots or crosstables into the csv via automation services. Contact me for more details via michal.jakubik@miasolutions.sk