Looking for a simple way to calculate the number of working weekdays.
DateDiff("weekday",[ORDER DATE],[DELIVERY DATE]) In Spotfire, the closest I got is this reference page, with an absurdly long statement
((((Integer(((Integer(DateDiff("day",[ORDER DATE],[DELIVERY DATE]) / 7) * 5) + DayOfWeek([DELIVERY DATE])) - DayOfWeek([ORDER DATE])) + (if((integer(DayOfWeek([ORDER DATE])))>(integer(DayOfWeek([DELIVERY DATE]))),5,0))) - (if((integer(DayOfWeek([DELIVERY DATE])))=(6),1,0))) + (if((integer(DayOfWeek([DELIVERY DATE])))<>(0),1,0))) + (if((integer(DayOfWeek([DELIVERY DATE])))=(0),1,0))) - (if((integer(DayOfWeek([ORDER DATE])))=(0),1,0))
related idea - possibly can be merged?