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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 6, 2016

3D Scatter Plot in the Web Client

Create a 3D Scatter Plot that is supported in the WebPlayer.

Implemented in 11.0
    Feb 11, 2021

    3d scatter plot is now available as a visualization mod for Spotfire from the TIBCO Community Exchange:

    To use the 3d scatter plot mod, Spotfire 11.0 or later is required.

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  • Guest
    Mar 5, 2018

    Wendy, until it's implemented, a hack is to use JS viz.

    Tibco finally made it official with this post:

    Many possibilities given various wrappers for R – plotly, highcharter, leaflet 

  • Guest
    Mar 2, 2018

    Why is it the web player not supporting 3D Scatter plots?

  • Guest
    Aug 21, 2017

    I agree with Ricardo's sentiments. D3 works in open source web applications. You have a leg up on Tableau with this one if you can publish to webplayer.

  • Guest
    Sep 29, 2016

    Makes no sense why this isnt already implemented. 

  • Guest
    Aug 3, 2016

    This shouldn't even be under vote as an "idea". All default visualizations in Analyst should be default in Consumer, too. Considering the license costs of Spotfire, that's the least we users expect.