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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 1, 2016
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SPF-I-458 Auto save analysis.

Analyst/Client Autosave option Merged

When creating analyses in the analyst/desktop and the client stops working or crashes you lost the work you performed....and autosave option like in Excel or other programs will be very beneficial so you don't lose the work

  • Guest
    Jul 3, 2020

    It is been 4 years of under consideration, hope would it implemented in Spotfire 10

  • Guest
    Dec 4, 2019

    Just do it, it is so pissing me of, if after one day's work developing a dashboard is gone because some error, which hardcloses Spotfire!! Hurry up considering! Maybe add a DEVELOPER MODE with autosave/autorecover/snapshots/whatever, but do it!

  • Guest
    Mar 17, 2017

    I am so sick of losing work.  Needed this a long time ago.  The product crashes entirely too often.

  • Guest
    Mar 16, 2017

    I can see that this option exists on 6.5 as something develped by a user, out of the box. 




    You can check it at> 



    Spotfire Auto Save for recovery


    This is an extension I build to auto save local copies of currently open DXP every 15 minutes..


    I have tested briefly and it seems to be doing its job, please please please try and test it if you can access a server and deploy..


    Key Notes -

    • This add-on will Auto Save Files while only in Spotfire Analyst Client.
    • The save time is hard coded for every 15 minutes.
    • Files are saved only if they are changed or user has done some actions like marking, filtering etc.
    • The Files are saved in temporary location of the system, generally which will be like

    C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Spotfire AutoSave

    • If a Library file is opened it will be saved on your local machine under the temp path

    C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Spotfire AutoSave\Library Content\


    • Library path will be replicated in this autosave location.

    e.g. C:\Users\<username> \Local\Temp\Spotfire AutoSave\LibraryContent\mylibraryfolder\mylibraryfilename_mmddyyyy_HHmmss.dxp


    • Backup files are never deleted, user has to clean the temporary folder as appropriate..think security concerns if any here


    Code and spk is available here



    Feel free to report issues, fork share etc 


    I have build this using 6.5 SDK, but should work with older versions too

  • Guest
    Oct 12, 2016

    Hi ... 

    unfortunatly the Auto Save feature is not a standalone component ... in it is embedded in a much wider system. It is very difficult to extract it :-( 

  • Guest
    Oct 11, 2016

    would love to take a peek at the component as well, if available  :-) 

  • Guest
    Oct 11, 2016

    umm... which version is crashing, specifically?  We have 6.5.3 which crashes very rarely, on a template w/ some 100+ tabs  -- but we're considering upgrading to 7.0 soon, due to not being supported anymore, next year.  

  • Guest
    Oct 11, 2016

    Hi Samer,

    Would you be willing to share the custom Auto Save as a component?

    Please look me up on the TIBCO community.

    Andrew (TIBCO Data Science)

  • Guest
    Oct 11, 2016

    We have implemented a custom Auto Save in Spotfire ... it would be great if this feature is included in core product.

  • Guest
    Jul 18, 2016

    Or better still, stop it from crashing!

    Seriously though, crashes are incredible unproductive, and they occur for the most benign reasons.  Instead of just showing the dump log, how about the ability of sending tibco the log regarding the crash with the click of a button.  When I've just spent some time building something, and it crashes, the last thing I want is to dutifully email Tibco to report the crash.  I just want to cry and re-do everything I lost.