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Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Data Access
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 8, 2016

ActiveMatrix BPM <-> Spotfire integration

There is a lot of business value in connecting Spotfire to TIBCO BPM. It can be done already but we'd like a deeper integration between the two products that would make it simpler and easier to achieve their goals.

some common use cases below

Case Management use cases

Starting a Case from Spotfire: A typical quality management use case: let's imagine you are a manufacturer of goods and want to analyze the returns by type of parts or by supplier and after finding out some patterns, you decide to open an investigation case in ActiveMatrix BPM. First you could just click on "an Action" from the spotfire analysis and maybe add a comment and attach the embedded (or linked) analysis. Similar use cases in finance would be for example around Anti Money Laundering: you analyze potential fraudulent transactions in Spotfire and decide to trigger a risk investigation case in BPM. It's a common pattern from insight to action when the response (the action) is to open a case.

Searching Cases from Spotfire: typically cases are complex data driven objects with many relationships with both other case data and master business data from multiple sources. they are not easily globally prioritized like a work list of a back-office would be. So it's often that a case could be opened from a spotfire visualization. For that you need a data source of type Cases that points to ActiveMatrix BPM Case repository.

Linking Cases: in the same spirit as above, when investigating complex cases, you might identify patterns that indicate that multiple cases (for connected individuals for example) are in fact linked to each other. In that case, the Spotfire dashboard helps you identify the patterns, and should help triggering the linkage in ActiveMatrix BPM.

Work Distribution & Resource Management

Resource Capacity Analysis: in ActiveMatrix BPM, a work distribution model defines concepts that are associated to organizations: such as org units, positions (roles), groups, capabilities (skills), qualifiers (skill-levels), privileges, locations, as well as allows customers to add their own other attributes. This model allows, on one hand, for each tasks in processes, to answer the question "who can work on that task ?". It's a rule that defines a combination of criteria (example: anyone in the credit card department that is a maker role and skilled at least level2 on Coastline products) and can correspond to 0-N resources. On the other hand physical resources (users) are assigned values to those elements at runtime and this defines what users can work on, and should work on as priorities. Typical challenges when looking at the overall work distribution, is to answer the key questions : do I have enough people to meet my SLAs ? And if not, then what to prioritize ? Anticipate skills shortages etc. So, after this introduction, Spotfire is a great tool for analyzing that capacity problem: we need a data source into this organizational repository (in ActiveMatrix BPM) and into the Work Backlog (also in ActiveMatrix BPM). Then there are common actions you might want to do: reprioritize work, repurpose resources for a period of time, reassign work to different teams, etc.

Common Access Controls: If I'm in charge of an org unit (team) or multiple ones in ActiveMatrix BPM, then when I have access to the above (resource capacity and work backlog) I should see only my perimeter of responsibility.

Visual inbox: a user might be involved in many processes and cases at the same time and would prefer to visualize his work (to-do) in a spotfire visualization.

Process analysis and performance:

Path Analysis: from Spotfire it would be good to have a visualization of type "process" or "case" (state driven) so that when analyzing how instances are executed we could determine what are the most critical paths, rules, analyze the collaboration (social aspects) in order to look for inefficiencies and optimizations.

Process and Cases KPIs: Volumes, Cycle times (Waiting or Processing) taking in account all process & cases relationships (sub-processes, linked cases) as well as in the context of Business Data.

Trends: Evolution of the backlog during the day. ActiveMatrix BPM only keeps the latest snapshot. Trends in Spotfire would be a great way to anticipate misses.

To summarize, many customers are doing part of this already, and often requesting more out of the box integration.

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