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Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 26, 2021

Tree-Map Add Color value to Hierarchy label

I have a treemap with variables for size, color and hierarchy (MultiSelectListBox). I would like the label of the hierarchy + the label of the color/size value.

Initially I have <$map("${Hierarchy}", " nest")> that work.

So I tried <$map("${Hierarchy} & ${Axis.Color.Expression}", " nest")>

but it doesn't aggregate over ${TreillisBy},${Hierarchy}.

Adding the over clause doesn't work anymore.

I tried for my main color kpi so: NetSales/Sales

<$map("${Hierarchy} & String(Sum(NetSales) over (${TreillisBy},${Hierarchy})/Sum(Sales) over (${TreillisBy},${Hierarchy}))", " nest")>

but when TreillisBy is null it doesn't work.

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    Arnaud Varin
    May 24, 2024

    Hello Guillaume, and thank you for this idea. Apology for the long overdue review, this idea was not visible in the Spotfire Ideas workspace until today.

    How is your hierarchy setup ? Is it from a hierarchy column created outside the visualization ? or the hierarchy is directly setup from the visualization ?