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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Categories Library
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 21, 2017
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit TS-I-5883 LibraryManager search API to support all item types.

Api enhancement to the Library API classes to enable retrieving all LibraryItems. Merged

At the moment it is not possible to retrieve or search for library items of the types dataconnection, connectiondatasource, column, filter, join or datasource using the LibraryManager.Search("type:xx") function!


You can only search for a limited number of types, for instance: LibraryManager.Search("type:folder").


Via the UI it is possible to search "type:datasource", but via the api it is impossible since they are internal and not exposed, which makes accessing the library via the api (almost) useless!

Implemented in 11.6
  • Guest
    Jun 28, 2017

    The question is, why are the other types set to be internal instead of pubic. I believe It would greatly enhance the framework for creating new library extensions. 

    Furthermore directly accessing the Spotfire database is not desired. 

  • Guest
    Jun 28, 2017

    This is a useful idea but we went directly to the Spotfire admin database as it's fairly easy to figure out where things are. Granted that's not supported but having visibility of all objects in the library it's a price worth paying for.