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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Will not implement
Product Spotfire
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 15, 2017

Ability to pass analysis Title along with SQL to Oracle, e.g. as a comment

In order to help identify problem queries in Oracle, we'd like to pass the title of the dxp (or name of Information Link) as part of the SQL. We are able to do this with other reporting tools by using built-in system variables for Userid and report title.  Today, DBAs only see the SQL thats causing an issue.  Using only SQL, it takes Spotfire Administrators a long time to identify which analysis is causing the problem.

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  • Guest
    Dec 18, 2017

    You can do this yourself. Create a parameter on all your information links and pass the analysis name to them. Why do you need a new feature? Also if you setup Action Logging you will be able to see which information link executed for which report.