I have multiple pages (some with multiple visualizations) that depict info on the same objects. In my case, the ships that visit our terminal. Although I can assign a color to each ship, there are just too many and thus I often have the situation that two ships visit at the same time but have the same of almost same color. In a side-by-side or stacked bar chart, the differences are impossible to see. So I then manually change the color of one of those ships by clicking on the color-dot in the legend.
When I do that, I would like all other charts to follw suit, so on all pages if I change eg ship ABC from red to green in 1 visualization, I would like that ship to get "green" in all other vizualizations.
I thought of implementing a event trap to catch this user action, and then via a script adjust all the other vizualiations. But to my knowledge such a "trappable event" does not exist.