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Standard configuration UI for visualization mod custom properties

A Visualization Mod typically comes with a number of settings with which users can configure the appearance or behavior of the Mod. These settings can be either axis selectors or properties. Axes selectors are automatically displayed in visualization properties panel and can optionally be placed in the legend and in the canvas area. Properties can be displayed using a popup panel or a custom UI. In addition, some standard settings are also available from the built-in visualization properties panel.

Current options have the disadvantages that the custom settings can be hard to find for the end user, add unnecessary clutter to the UI and may look and behave differently from other Mods or Spotfire visualizations.

To make it easier for the end-user to configure Mods and for the developer to develop a good-looking configuration UI, there should be a unified way of displaying a configuration UI for a Mod.

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    1 MERGED

    To have an access to SpotFire API to add custom property in MOD visual properties for parameter settings

    Dear Team, We are working on custom MOD creation for our pre-sales team and one customer. where we need some config parameters to be passed to visual. those parameters are one time config while developing report once mod is ready. like when one dr...
    over 3 years ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration