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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 23, 2022

improve export-service-config when service is deployed on both Linux and Windows

If service is deployed on both Linux and Windows, command "config export-service-config --capability=TERR --deployment-area=Production" will export the configuration of random OS, either Linux or Windows whichever is deployed first(probably).

Argument --platform=LINUX or --platform=WINDOWS can be specified to the command to explicitly indicate which platform to export for, but this argument is optional.

This could cause confusion and is error prone, end user may export Linux version's configuration without specifying --platform argument and try to apply it to a Windows version service which will fail.

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  • Guest
    Oct 12, 2022

    Hi Doug,

    Thanks for the info.

    I am aware of that(that restriction applies to both TERR service and Python service) as well and has put that into our documentation to notify our customers who are interested in Spotfire@Linux.


    Wei Li

  • Guest
    Oct 11, 2022

    Hello Wei Li,

    At least for the TERR Service (TERRSRV), both of the following are still absolute requirements:



    - Do not install the TERR service on a node manager server that is running other services.

    - You must install every TERR service on node manager servers running the same OS.


    All the best,


  • Guest
    Sep 24, 2022

    Also, this could also happen with a deployment of Analyst on Windows and WP on Linux, not only with multiple WP/AS in mixed OS. Any user who wants to use WP on Linux will have this deployment because Analyst only works on Windows.

    To implement a deployment of Analyst on Windows and WP on Linux, you must deploy both Spotfire.Dxp.sdn and Spotfire.Dxp.netcore-linux.sdn to Production deployment area, now the issue could happen. You don't know which platform's configuration will be exported if not specifying the argument --platform=LINUX.

    Deploying Spotfire.Dxp.netcore-linux.sdn to anothe deployment area could workaround this but at least most of our customers don't do that and only use the default "Production".

  • Guest
    Sep 23, 2022

    Hi Miguel,

    Thanks for the quick response.

    Yes, this is about using both Linux and Windows for the same service.

    For TERR & Python, it is clearly stated that this is not supported in the product's document, but for Web Player and Automation Services, I just got confirm from support that this (multiple WP/AS in mixed OS) will still work but is not recommended.

    Also, if 2 set of TSS/WP/AS are split as 2 sites, one set is on Linux and the other is on Windows, this might be a possible scenario.

  • Admin
    Miguel Díez
    Sep 23, 2022

    Hi Wei,

    Do you mean that you are using both Linux and Windows for the same service?

    Which service?

    Why do you need to use both OS for the same service?
