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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 10, 2022

set public address for each spotfire server node separately

Please allow to set public address for each spotfire server node separately.

For example there are 2 servers in 1 spotfire environment working as a cluster, but there is no load balancer in front of these server,

so we need to set public address for each of these servers like:

server1: http://server1/

server2: http://server2/

The reason to do this is because since 11.0, when login from analyst , both spotfire server URL specified in the login daialog and also the public address must be made accessible from analyst machine, if analyst wants to login to server1 he can select server1 in login dialog but he also needs to use server1's public address to make sure to connect to server1.

The restriction is introduced since 11.0 and is well explainted in below KB article,

Support engineer suggested to use site to set public address on each server node, this is a feasible approach for some scenarios but site also divides servers into logically separated units and some functionalities are not shared between sites so it doesn't fit all needs.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2022

    Hi Miguel,

    One of our customers has implemented several TSS (v10.10) servers as cluster, each of them belongs to a department but no load balancer is introduced, they use each TSS server to run their own information links that could take long time.

  • Admin
    Miguel Díez
    Oct 18, 2022

    Hi Wei,

    Please, could you explain a little bit more the use case?

    Why would you want use a cluster without a load balancer in front? You always need some service that points to any of the server instances.
