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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Already exists
Product Spotfire
Categories User Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 7, 2022

Expand Full Legend

When we have more than a few dozens of items displaying on the chart, the legend is limited to a few occurrences. It would be great to be able to see the entire legend.

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  • Admin
    Arnaud Varin
    Dec 14, 2022

    Merci Vincent.

    So I confirm this is not available in this version. Upgrading to Spotfire 12.x will solve this request. I'm marking this idea as Already existing.

    Thanks again.

  • Guest
    Dec 14, 2022

    Bonjour Renaud, sure.

    I'm using Spotfire

  • Admin
    Arnaud Varin
    Dec 14, 2022

    Hello Vincent and thanks for this idea.
    May I ask what version of Spotfire do you use?
    Starting with Spotfire 12.0 LTS, the maximum number of values per legend item is increased to a default of 50 values (vs. 29 previously) and can be further increased up to 250.