Only shown digits will be exported to the csv in Single real while all digits will be exported in case of Real.
When having two columns one is a SingleReal data type and the other is Real and only 2 digits is shown after the dot in both columns.
Export the data table into csv file, File → Export → Data to file → Data table.
In the exported csv file, the single real values will have only 2 digits after the dot (As shown the table visualization), While in Real the whole number will be exported (As the data table source).
Implemented in | 12.0.4 LTS HF-020 |
Fixed in 12.0.4 LTS HF-020. SingleReal is now exported with all decimals, just as Real.
This should be considered a bug not a new idea! Since the export to excel works fine, the export to CSV or TXT should do the same.
This is a very critical issue to our customers where the smallest floating point precision is significant to them.
Please convert this back to a bug and provide a fix in the nearest SF12.0-LTS hotfix.
Thank you.
Basel Al-Masri