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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status To be Reviewed
Product Spotfire
Categories API
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 18, 2024

Which spotfire reports and particular visualization within a report has more than 3000 datapoints

We are looking for a high-level design of a solution that outlines the appropriate APIs or metadata tables to query, using the application profiler. The goal is to identify Which spotfire reports and particular visualization within a report has more than 3000 datapoints.

Specifically, we need guidance on:

1. Which API(s) to utilize for retriving report metadata or data point counts.
2. Which metadata tables or fields should be queried to extract relevant information regarding tha data point volume for each report.

3.A recommended approach for scripting this solution to integarte seamlessly with out application profiles, Ensuring efficient identification of large reports.

We appreciate any insights on how to best achieve this functionality.

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