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Spotfire Ideas Portal


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Searching chart information in Library

I wish there were the ability to search for chart information (type, description, title..) in the library without opening Spotfire dxp. If we have a chart search function, we can refer to similar charts created by others and avoid creating duplic...
11 months ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Likely to implement

Improved API to read metadata and lineage for library items

From my external application, I want to call a Spotfire Library API (preferrably REST) to read metadata for library items and their dependencies. This can be seen as an enhancement to the current LibraryService API (SOAP), but more detailed met...
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Likely to implement

Run a report and see all of the Data Canvas information for all Analyses

Create a Report or View that shows all Analysis and their Data Table Properties. This can be useful for cleanup and/or when a new data table needs added to various Analysis. As opposed to opening the Analysis then the Data Canvas.
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Likely to implement

Meta data in Spotfire

Is there any way where can get the meta data information from spotfire DB like dashboard name, library path, schemas, tables,
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Likely to implement
171 VOTE

Lock DXP for Editing

Need dxp files to be locked when editing, so others can not overwrite changes that someone else has made. In other applications, when a user opens a file, it will lock the file so nothing else can save over it until the lock is released. We need t...
about 6 years ago in Spotfire / Library 5 Likely to implement
363 VOTE

Auto save analysis

Autosave analys to provide back up of work/data in case of abrupt application failure or accidental close of web client.
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Library 2 Likely to implement