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Spotfire Ideas Portal

Spotfire Streaming

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DataStreams: Allow Data Table options to be configurable at deploy time

WE need a way of configuring DataStreams/Liveview Table options such as Snapshot ParallelismSnapshot CurrencyPublish Interval through system properties so they can be changed at deploy time. Our deployments have different resource and usage profil...
8 months ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 To be Reviewed

Liveview: Deleting rows via the Query method should have the option not to publish the delete through the publish path

Normally using an Alert Rule: Delete Rows Action you trim a data table size normally of old rows that are outside the zone of interest (i.e not part of any active queries/caches). However the Delete Query method triggered by the alert rule is stil...
9 months ago in Spotfire Streaming 0 To be Reviewed