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Data Access

Showing 47

Include Custom Connector for Azure Databricks in Spotfire base install

Scenario Apache Spark SQL connector is used to connect Databricks into Spotfire. Connecting to Databricks catalog and databases works as designed, but querying the data results in an error (see Error below). Researching online suggests the solutio...
9 months ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Implemented

Add connection parameter for Apache Spark SQL connector

Request Provide input for optional connection parameters for Apache Spark SQL connector (see attached .png). Background Apache Spark SQL connector is used to connect Databricks into Spotfire. Connecting to Databricks catalog and databases works as...
10 months ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Implemented

Better solution for the decimal separator for Excel in sharepoint custom connector

When opening Excel files with the SharePoint custom connector, the decimal separator is misinterpreted depending on the locale configured in the client. Different users could get different results when opening and viewing an analysis where Excel a...
about 1 year ago in Spotfire / API / Data Access 4 Implemented

Display more detailed information for tables in a TDV data catalog

The data catalog feature is a great way to get quick access to data in TDV. Displaying more metadata for each TDV table e.g. the list of columns (in addition to table name and description/annotation) in the "view details" panel would make it easie...
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Implemented

Initiate OAuth2 flow from Information Services

It should be possible to configure information services connections to initiate OAuth2 flows and use other identity providers than in Spotfire's OIDC configuration. Information Services should support initiating OAuth2 flows, when needed to authen...
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Information Services 0 Implemented

Support Unity Catalog in Databricks

Unity Catalog introduces a level of organization that groups databases into Catalogs. The current Databricks Connector does not provide a means to select the Catalog when connecting.
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Implemented

support Azure AD when SSO with data sources via Information Link

We have confirmed with TIBCO support that SSO with data sources via Information Link doesn't work with Azure AD due to an limitation on Azure AD side. To SSO with the data source (in this case Snowflake), it is required to issue an access token...
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Information Services 0 Implemented

add fetchsize to dataconnection

Please add a parameter for fetchsize to dataconnections similar to information links We are experiencing massive slowdowns with the default connection fetchsize but would like to keep the flexibility of dataconnections.
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Implemented

SQL Server connector available from the web client

The Spotfire Connector for Microsoft SQL Server should be available from the web authoring client, removing the need to install the desktop client to create and modify connections to Microsoft SQL data sources.
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Implemented

Databricks connector available from the web client

The Spotfire Connector for Databricks / Apache Spark SQL should be available from the web authoring client, removing the need to install the desktop client to create and modify connections to Databricks and Apache Spark SQL data sources.
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Implemented