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Spotfire Ideas Portal


Showing 27

Allow Spotfire maps to consume georeferenced data

We utilize a lot of georeferenced image layers in our maps and rather than having to manually set the extents of the images in each map, it would be nice if Spotfire could read the geoimage data similar to ArcGIS can.
about 6 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 1 Implemented

Map chart - Visibility of legend items according to the visibility of layers

The context is a map with different layers that are visible or not according to the zoom visibility. Would be great to have the legend items working with the same behaviour: show the information set in the legend (items/titles/axis selectors) only...
about 6 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Implemented

Improving the graphical appearance of small countries and overseas territories in the map visualisations

There are several issues with the rendering of small countries and overseas territories: 1) Gibraltar is not drawn on the default map. It is not included in the UK, it is simply fused with the UK. 2) Some countries like France and the Netherlan...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Implemented

Add property to expand/collapse Layer Control

It would be useful to be able to set the Layer Control on map charts to be expanded by default so that users can instantly see that they have options for changing the interactive layer and making the other layers visible/invisible as soon as they ...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Implemented

Ability to change line & border color in business author

I would like to be able to change line and/or border color from a map chart built in business author like I do everyday from the Analyst client.
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 1 Implemented

Possiblity to change layer CRS from Spotfire web player

Possibility for the Web Player end user to change the projection. For example change from an European projection to a polar Projection.
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Implemented

Add new coordinate systems

If i can add a New Coordinate Reference System what i want, it will be very helpful not only KOREA but also many country.
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 2 Implemented

Add support for EPSG:5178, EPSG:5179 in spotfire mapchart

In KOREA, many kinds of system use EPSG:5178, EPSG:5179 and it called UTM-K. Many customer usually want to use that in mapchart but, not exist. So, i want to be added EPSG:5178, EPSG:5179 in spotfire mapchart.
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 1 Implemented

Georeference images within Spotfire

It would be useful to be able to georeference images within Spotfire. This is a capability in programs such as ArcGIS and Geographix. Spotfire has replaced the mapping functions in those programs for me with the exception of being able to georefer...
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 2 Implemented

MapChart - Print using a higher resolution on the layer than what is displayed on the screen.

When we display some spots on a map, the detail level displayed on the screen is not reflection the detail level that we need to have printed on a plotter. We need the possibility to get highger resolution / detail level on the map layer. Thank ...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 3 Implemented