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Georeference images within Spotfire

It would be useful to be able to georeference images within Spotfire.  This is a capability in programs such as ArcGIS and Geographix.  Spotfire has replaced the mapping functions in those programs for me with the exception of being able to georeference.  This would be incredibly useful for map overlays.

Implemented in 10.6
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    • Admin
      Arnaud Varin
      Oct 22, 2019

      Support for geo-referenced images (GeoTIFF) was added with the Spotfire 10.6 release.
      To check what is new in Spotfire 10.6:

    • Admin
      Arnaud Varin
      Dec 14, 2017

      Hello Kelsey,

      Do you mean being able to read georeferences from an image to position it automatically ?
