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Spotfire Ideas Portal

User Experience

Showing 3

Continuously sync color schemes for multiple visualizations

It would be very helpful to have a way to automatically sync visualization color schemes between different visualizations to match each other. I am aware of the functionality that currently exists to apply colors to visualizations or set colors fr...
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / User Experience 0 Planning to implement

Add support for Snowflake DSN externalbrowser authenticator type

Hello, Currently Spotfire only supports connect to Snowflake DSN using the Snowflake username / password. In my envrionment, I have SSO configured with Snowflake and the Snowflake OBDC driver supprots SSO authentication using the "externalbrowser"...
10 months ago in Spotfire / User Experience 0 Planning to implement

Provide the same figure formatting properties in web viewer/MacOS client as in the desktop application

I used Spotfire extensively at my former job, and I am a huge fan. But, at my new job, I am trying to prepare a demo for a team that is mostly composed of Mac users, and the MacOS/web client version does not have the same options available under "...
almost 3 years ago in Spotfire / User Experience 0 Planning to implement