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Impact Analysis from a table/colomn to an information link or a DXP File

Hello We need to find the right query on our Oracle database to be able to create a dashboard to do some impact analysis. From a Colomn, Filter, Join ... --> Where does it come from (Database, Table (or View), Table colomn) --> Where is it u...
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire / Library 3 Already exists

Support unicode characters

I have an analysis where I use special characters as part of the text (e.g. As you can see in the attached 7.11 dxp file the character displays nicely within a table or cross table. However it cannot be displ...
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 5 Already exists

CustomTool<TablePlot> provide access to element at location of context menu invocation

I want to be able to get the value/element (TableCell?) at the location of the context menu invocation. That is, right click on a table cell element and be able to perform operations based on that. (TableCell is not valid for CustomTool<TableCe...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / API 1 Already exists

Custom Canvas Size with Fit to Window Width

It would be nice to have an option for a custom canvas size where you can specific a specific height, but have the width fit to the window. This would allow for dashboards that might work better as a single page that is scrollable up/down, while n...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / User Experience 3 Already exists

Reorder which markers are on top or be able to change transparency based on color by

On a map chart especially, but it could be applicable to other visualizations, when I color by a certain field, I would like the option to be able to reorder which of my colors appears on top, and/or be able to make some of the colors transparent ...
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Already exists

Allow y-axis scale adjustment for 100% stacked bar charts

Often in 100% stacked bar charts the lower 50 or more % are not of interest (e.g. you have typically an 80-90% yield and want to zoom into the yield detractor reasons in the top 10-20% of the bars). Unfortunately SPOTFIRE does not allow adjusting ...
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 4 Already exists

Set transparency of marked data (or turn off)

When using the Map chart where one layer is an image, a second layer are X,Y coordinates for segmented cells, you can't see the underlying image below the unmarked objects. Ideally the unmarked images would be invisible or have the ability to set ...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 1 Already exists

Latitude Longitude alias table

Can we set up an alias table - so when adding tables to maps - it auto picks up the latitude and longitude columns using the alias lookup table column names - so when I select a column from the table - it does not go to Avg automatically and I the...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 1 Already exists

Freeze values

When you want to show progress between dates, for exemple, you want to see how the team evolve in a week. In actual spotfire you can put the date (today is 09/06/2021, week 24) and see the results in this week, but next week you will have another ...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire 1 Already exists

Function to extract Month in Text format from Date Field

Hello Team, The current DTMonth function will return month from Date field in 2 digit number format. I need to write 12 conditions to get the respective text of month. Ex: If month=01 Then Month='January'.Instead I am looking to see if we can ...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 1 Already exists