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Allow Error Bars for Combination Charts

We are an R&D startup company and utilize extensively combination charts (column and marker/point without line). In evaluation Spotfire as a replacement for Excel, the need for allowing error bars as standard deviations for both column and lin...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Future Consideration

Pass Parameters while connecting to Odata using Odata Connector

Odata Connector currently doesnt allow passing paramters in to the URL, it would be nice to have the functionality out of the box to be able to filter the data while loading into spotfire
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 4 Future Consideration

Please add the ability to assign deployment areas by group not only to the Administration Console but also to the Administration Manager.

Please add the ability to assign deployment areas by group not only to Administration console but also to Administration manager. Long-time Spotfire users are accustomed to operate Administration manager and would like to be able to assign deploym...
8 months ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Future Consideration

Disable Schedule for Scheduling & Routing Files

In "Scheduling & Routing" currently you can disable rules for files, which turns off the routing of users to a cached copy of the file. However, when troubleshooting issues with a data source, it would be helpful to be able to quickly disable ...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Scheduled Updates 0 Future Consideration

JavaScripts Compatibility on Spotfire Cloud

Javascripts are currently not supported on TIBCO Spotfire cloud. We are building more interactive and visually appealing dashboards with javascripts made available on Spotfire cloud will be an enhanced addition.
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Future Consideration

Hiding Status bar data

Spotfire dashboard users may not be interested in the number of columns , data table name etc shown in status bar. I hope giving the option to the developer to customize the status bar would be really helpful.
over 5 years ago in Spotfire 0 Future Consideration

Automate Mapping of Statistica Data Function

We have the SPC Template on the TIBCO community with an embedded data set and Statistica data function. To replace the data and data function is a manual and time consuming process. Please include a tool that will automate this remapping of a data...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Analytics / Data Functions 0 Future Consideration

Need breadcrumbs to trace the origin of visualizations when creating reports

When exporting to PDF, after you have created a report and added visualizations to it, in the "Selected contents section", there is no way to tell which visualization oirginated in what page. I created a report 6 months ago. Now that needs to chan...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Export 0 Future Consideration

Organize filters dialog - collaps all data tables "button"

When I work with many data tables and only need one or a few enabled, with and a subset of the columns checked, it would be beneficial to collapse the data table structure with one click. I find myself doing it manually most of the times. So, one ...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire 1 Future Consideration

Add ability to allow people to see how an information link is built but not modify it

As an admin, I frequently get asked about what is behind an information link. It would be nice if I had a group or permission that users could be assigned to where they could view how an information link is built but not be able to modify it or cr...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Information Services 2 Future Consideration