Hi, one of the first things I noticed of the Spotfire maps when trying to use it on the O&G industry, is that it does not have the capability to visualize the wells per their fluid types / current status. It would be great to have the option t...
almost 3 years ago
in Spotfire / Maps
Planning to implement
Mods should allows unaggegated data access to the source table
Especially when working with Streaming data, the data to be passed to the Mod is in it's final format already ready to be visualized. The limiting of data access to only aggregated data makes this painful or impossible to work with.
over 3 years ago
in Spotfire / Mods
Future Consideration
In scatter plot line connections it's sometimes very hard to identify where the line connection starts and ends. Start and end caps or markers would be a great enhancement for the line connection. Options should be size, shape and color.
Ability to "publish" a version of an analysis file for others, and continue to modify it for myself
I would like to be able to publish a version of an analysis file for my colleagues, so they can view it. but at the same time I want to continue developing the analysis file with the next improvement without having my colleagues see the intermedia...
over 1 year ago
in Spotfire / Library
Future Consideration
Sometimes you realized the query you sent off is taking too long and/or was wrong. In that case you want to be able to abort the query to avoid data source overload. This is possible with information link based queries (there is a cancel button) b...
Spotfire Analyst - Make available library metadata information
I am looking for a quick and easy way to get the currently opened library analysis' metadata. Thinking about the File -> Document properties (where one would look "naturally" look I think), the Library tab or the Properties tab, none of these t...
over 4 years ago
in Spotfire / Library
Future Consideration
User permission controls for editing Automation Services schedules
Currently in Spotfire X, adding a user to the "Automation Services Users group" so that they have the ability to manage automation job schedules gives them the ability to edit all schedules. We want to allow users to self-manage schedules but givi...
When loading data containing characters from another alphabeth (for example cyrrilic alphapeth), the data is not imported correctly. In such a case you have to change your Windows language setting to the correspdonding Region/Country.
Therefore, I...
Improvements to the ability to select columns within transformations
I'd love to see the following features included in the interface for selecting columns within transformations.
In the Exclude Transformation: 1) Identify the columns to not exclude (i.e include). If I have 100 columns, and 20 I want to include, it...
When filtering with != or <>, do not remove null/empty values unless it was specified.
When the condition for != or <> is filtered on, it should not filter out null/empty values unless it was specified in the condition. For example, if there is a field called "Number" with a list of numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,,7,8 (null between 6 and...