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Bookmarks: Make Apply special -> Filter settings -> Set only adjusted filters etc. available in API

In the GUI, it is possible for bookmarks with stored filter settings to "Set all Filters", "Set only adjusted Filters" or "Mark filtered rows" via the Apply Special option. According to support, this is not available through the API. It would be g...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

Improve Python, HTML, Java and R editors

Python, HTML, Java and R editors in Spotfire are basically notepads. It would be great Spotfire could provide more specific editors for these languages.
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

Current User Login, Domain and Display Names available in expression

This is useful in the following use cases: You use row-level security at data-source level. This is a top requirement from business in case of of internal reporting! You want to load personalized information (business units, managers and subordin...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 2 Future Consideration

Add the "pad" function

I would like to see the PAD (and/or LPAD/RPAD) function added to Spotfire. This is a common string function in many other DBMSs and tools. Example use case:I had a data source with one column containing SEQUENCE (i.e. integer 1-15) and another col...
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Data Functions 0 Future Consideration

Support database connections to Filemaker.

No description provided
almost 9 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Future Consideration

Addition of a bookmark admin license, to help remove unused public bookmarks without the need to be a real administrator.

*Enhancement request:*Currently the users can delete their own public bookmarks, and no one else.This is good and how the customer also wants things to work.However; to administer bookmarks, you need to be an admin within Spotfire to delete other ...
almost 9 years ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Future Consideration

Not equal to should evaluate to true if value is null

User is stating that IF statements do not handle nulls as expected in calculated columns, or in limit data by expressions on a visualisation. Here is an example: 3 rows of data: ID Value1 Complete2 3 Not Complete Where in ID 2 , the value for the ...
almost 9 years ago in Spotfire / Custom Expressions 1 Future Consideration

Dock the Legend in WebPlayer

In version 6.x, users can dock the Legend icon in the visualization tile bar and with 7.0, the option of auto-hide feature of legend doesn't let the users to dock it. They would need an option to choose between these two options.
almost 9 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Change the title dynamically of the 2nd chart(Detail Visualization) if the selection is made on the 1st chart

I have A upper bar chart - 'HomeRuns count by Team' and a Below chart - 'HomeRuns count by Position'. I want that when he made a selection in the upper chart(Click on the Bar) then the associated category value(X-axis). Should display in the title...
almost 9 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Future Consideration

Let custom visualizations control text in status bar

{noformat}Add an API to make it possible for a developer of a custom visualization to be able to control the text in the status bar.For example in a map chart the text could read "Region Texas marked" instead of the standard text. {noformat}
almost 9 years ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration