Enalbe users to change axis title colors with IronPython. This would be useful with something like a combination chart to have axis titles and the axis line match the color of the series to increase ease of reading.
Link to Google Fonts for font choices in canvas styling, in addition to local system fonts. This allows huge flexibility in font styling for dashboards. Submitted on behalf of Enertel
When Day/Month or Month/Year are used, it takes too much axis real estate. Should instead display like "22 Aug, 29 Aug, 5 Sep" for Day/Month and like "Jan 2022, Feb, Mar, ... Jan 2023, Feb" for Month/Year
When looking at a list of inline transformations, the name/description is the name of the transformation type. I user-provided description would be helpful when reviewing or modifying transformations. Currently, a user needs to open each one just ...
eliminate the difference on number formatting between Windows and Linux
According the product document, there is a difference on number formatting between Windows and Linux, l https://docs.tibco.com/pub/spotfire_server/12.0.0/doc/html/TIB_sfire_server_tsas_admin_help/server/topics/running_web_player_or_automation_serv...
Better control of Information Services database jobs and scheduled updates to improve system stability
With Resource Monitor it's possible to set limits on how many open analysis Web Player can have and how much memory Web Player can use but this barely scratches the surface of what we want to set limits on to assure the stability of a large Spotfi...